Water Utility Services

Dirt Work involves excavating trenches in the ground to accommodate water lines.
These trenches are carefully dug to the required depth and width to ensure proper placement and support of the pipes.

Ready for Your Next Home
Improvement Project?

Contact us to get a quote and see why our customer service is recognized as the best in the industry.

Why Choose Us

Polar Bear Jack’s Home Services, LLC is an experienced full-service home services company, providing heating and cooling, air quality, plumbing, electrical and insulation services. We have been proudly serving both residential and commercial customers of Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Owasso, and surrounding areas in Oklahoma.

We can design and install a complete heating and air conditioning system that’s tailored to your home’s specifications and design, or we can repair and maintain your current system so that it works like a dream.

Learn More About Us

What We Believe

  • You should never be cold in your home
  • Your furnace shouldn’t burn money
  • Flimsy duct work is the mark of a lazy technician
  • In doing what we say we’re going to do
  • In giving you the facts so you can make informed decisions
  • Bigger and more expensive isn’t always better
  • Your utility company shouldn’t be getting rich off of you

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